My Mother

                                                    MY MOTHER

     It is said that god cannot be everywhere so he made mothers.  Mother is the gift of god to man.  Though the word ‘mother’ is short, the real meaning of it cannot be equated with anything in this world.

     The love showered by a mother is selfless and it has no bound-Aries or limits.  The unconditional love, support, care and comfort showered by a mother cannot be defined or explained because it is of greatest heights and beyond words.

     Mother, the word itself has a unique power she spends he life carrying and loving her children she always wishes her good of her child.  It is said that she is the one who moulds her children into good human-being.  She is like a light to her umbrella when it rains.  She is like the hedgegrows which collect the rain and spread fragrance of happiness to her family.  She does not demand any fame of praise for her service, but does it happily and willingly.

     No man in this world could have got a place on earth without a mother because she is our very existence.  She is the visible manifestation of God.


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