"Happy Independence Day"

     The day 15th August is a memorable day in our history.  Independence day is celebrated as the national festival of India.  It marks the beginning of a new era in the history of India.  This day is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm because on this day our country become free from the yoke of British rule.  Then India became a sovereign state and began to be considered as the largest democratic country of the world.  On the midnight of 14th August, the British  government handed over the rule to the first Prime Minister of India.  “Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.”  He hoisted the national flag of India and India was declared free.

     India had been under the British rule for nearly 200 years.  The British government enriched itself by exploiting the Indians who were steeped in ingnorance Poverty, fear and misery.  They brought raw materials from India, took them to England and sold their finished products in India at exorbitant rates.  They converted India into a market which led to economic backwardness in India.  The English Government made the life of Indians miserable.

     In course of time Indians became aware of their predicament and began their historic struggle for independence.  Many eminent leaders like “MAHATMA GANDHI, JAWAHARLA NEHRU, TILAK, SUBASH CHANDRA BOSE AND OTHERS”  laid down their lives in their struggle for independence.  After prolonged struggle.  India gained its freedom.

     Therefore the achievement of independence was a historic even and celebrated all over India. It is a national celebration and all should celebrate it realizing the full significance of independence day.

                    “HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY”
