- Be honest while communicating. Dishonesty will somewhere show up along a line.
- Take interest in the people you are communicating with. Remember the people are more attracted towards those who have interest in them, and pas more attention to what they say.
- Think before you speak or put pen to paper: what message you trying to convey? What outcome do you want to elicit?
- Be direct and not aggressive. Lot of flannelling around can make the people lose interest and miss a vital point.
- Don’t use the jargon-and acronyms, and also the technical expressions, unless you are sure about that you listeners do understand.
- Write the way as you will speak. Do not fall into a trap of using the long words just because it is written down.
- Take time. Whether in the speech or in paper, rushing will make you seem nervous, unconfident and like downright scared.
- Ability to ask the questions and listen are vital to the good interpersonal skills. In fact the empathetic listening is a number one skill which can help to build the relationships.
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