are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words
are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." By Swami Vivekananda
.Ethiopian emperor Menelik II was the first african to drive a car in 1907.
2.Every 30
seconds, someone somewhere commits suicide due to depression.
for 6 or more hours per day makes you 40% more likely to die within 15 years
than someone who sits less than 3 hours a day.
silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is
music." By Aldous Huxley
school buses are yellow because humans see yellow faster than any other
color,which is important for avoiding accidents.
gum while you cut an onion will help keep you from crying.
7.The tooth
paste "Colgate" in spanish translates to "Go hang
mind that finds its way to wild places is the poet's; but
the mind that never finds its way back is the lunatic's." By G.K
9.The Romans used to clean and whiten their theeth with
urine,apparently it works,please dont do it though.
10.Our eyes are always the same size from birth,but our nose
and ear never stop growinh.
11.Among the Mursi of southern Ethiopia,a young woman wearing
a disc the size of food plate on her lower lip is considered beautiful.
12.The first time two men kissed on screen was in 1927.
14.A "moment" technically means 90 seconds.
15.No lemon, no melon, backward is "No lemon, no
16.Airplane food is not very tasty because our sense of smell
and taste decrease by 20% to 50% while flying.
17.The planet Pluto is smaller than Russia.
18."He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers
himself is mighty." By Lao Tzu
Huh? means the same thing in all language.
Huh? means the same thing in all language.
19."You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use
works of art to see your soul." By George Bernard Shaw
20. "When you
judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself." By Wayne Dyer
21.Human birth control pills work on gorillas.
22.Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope
for tomorrow. By Albert Einstein
23.The most powerful way to win an argument is
by asking questions, it can make people see the flaw in their logic.
24.Parthenophobia is a fear of virgins.
wow fantastic